Jacob Haller (jwgh) wrote,
Jacob Haller

The week in walking

Today I had a nice stroll through Roger Williams Zoo with cgoldfish, grocersfreezer, oliviazb, and my friend Craig (visiting from New Jersey). Mmmm, zoo.

For the rest of the week ...

- Tuesday (the 31st) I'd like to take a stroll around Federal Hill or the East Side before going to Mo Joe's at 7 for knitdrinkprov.

- Wednesday is a bit on the vague side right now. Any ideas? I will probably have dance band practice this night.

- Thursday is probably another East Side stroll leading up to a snbprov meetup at 7 pm at Reflections (Wickendon & Governor Streets).

- The weekend -- also a bit vague right now. I think the band is playing at a party (finally) on Friday the 3rd; the rest of the weekend should be relatively flexible. If you've got something you'd like to do let me know!

As usual, if you want to go walking with me this week comment or otherwise get in touch!

  • Over on Dreamwidth

    I created an account on dreamwidth, and will probably do most of my infrequent posting and commenting over there. https://jwgh.dreamwidth.org

  • A customer asks

    Is the attached file “normal” for what you expect to see in the \listserv\main folder?The attachment contains a list of around 4,000 files. My…

  • Podcasting notes

    Hey, a public post! I figured I'd post this here, so if someone else runs into some of the same problems I did they would be able to google it and…

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  • Over on Dreamwidth

    I created an account on dreamwidth, and will probably do most of my infrequent posting and commenting over there. https://jwgh.dreamwidth.org

  • A customer asks

    Is the attached file “normal” for what you expect to see in the \listserv\main folder?The attachment contains a list of around 4,000 files. My…

  • Podcasting notes

    Hey, a public post! I figured I'd post this here, so if someone else runs into some of the same problems I did they would be able to google it and…