We do have a few shows coming up though ...
* Saturday June 18 (this coming saturday) Chris and I will be playing as The Killdevils at Main Street Music at 165 Main Street in East Greenwich from 11 to 1 pm. We'll probably play for the first hour solo and then let other people sit in. With a little luck, our friend Rachel Ede (who will be visiting) will bring her fiddle and do some playing. If you're down East Greenwich way check us out!
* Saturday July 2 Third Story Congress will be playing a hip-hop show with rappers Mr. Bodega, B.C., and maybe others at AS220. There will be a $6 cover. This is the day after AS220 reopens after remodelling, so it will be exciting to see the new performance space!
* Friday Julyl 16</b> we'll again be backing up Mr. Bodega and others as part of AS220's 20th anniversary celebration! There will be many great bands playing; I will in particular be keeping an eye out for Erin McKeown.