I was thinking I would have to drive back up tonight and probably back down again tomorrow at some point, but when I called my father and his wife to make sure that the bag was in fact there as I thought they suggested that instead they come down for dinner on Tuesday and bring the bag with them.
So I get to have dinner with my dad and stepmother Tuesday, which I wouldn't have done if I had been more together. Sweet!
The weekend was quite pleasant -- I went swimming twice yesterday, did some nice hanging out with family and friends, got a bunch of knitting done (including completing the two projects mentioned above), played some trivial pursuit, had some decent Thai food, and bought some yarn (which I didn't think I needed, but now I might actually do something with it soon since I left my other stuff in Massachusetts!)
I will have to go back again soon. (But I'm glad that 'soon' doesn't mean 'tonight'.)
I think I might go take a nap now.