Jacob Haller (jwgh) wrote,
Jacob Haller

Walking this week

Things are a little chaotic this week (is there a week when this isn't the case?) but there are a couple of times that I definitely want to walk.

The first is Thursday evening before snbprov, probably meeting near Reflections on Wickendon Street at around 6:20 pm and walking around India Point Park or to Wayland Square and back or something along those lines.

The second is something I've been wanting to do again for a few weeks but it's a bit time consuming ...

The idea is to meet up on Friday at around 7 pm (this time is flexible and can be moved forward or back if that's more convenient for anyone) on the East Side (maybe near Wayland Square), walk down College Hill to the Red Fez, have dinner, and then walk back. It's a nice walk and dinner at the Fez punctuates it pleasantly.

If you're interested in either walk let me know!

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    I created an account on dreamwidth, and will probably do most of my infrequent posting and commenting over there. https://jwgh.dreamwidth.org

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