Things heard by me while I was standing on sidewalks waving campaign signs:
"Daddy, does that sign say 'Barbara Haller'?" (said by a little girl to her father)
"I should take that sign home and light a fire with it." (The sign was plastic, so this seemed like a bad idea.)
Around 7:30 I was on Main Street in Worcester with my sign and a guy walking down the sidewalk yelled to me, "George Clinton! Vote for George Clinton, man!"
He got near to me and I said, "George Clinton, huh?"
"Look," he said, "are you getting a job or something? I mean, did they say that you'd get a job carrying these signs? Because, I mean, unless you're getting a job or something from doing this there's no reason you should be out here."
"Well," I said, "she is my mother."
This stopped him for a moment and he looked impressed. "You're blessed, man. You're blessed." I thanked him and he continued down the street.
After he'd gone ten feet or so, he paused and said, "That doesn't mean she's going to win, but you're blessed."
"Understood," I said, and he continued on his way.
George Clinton!