Jacob Haller (jwgh) wrote,
Jacob Haller

musical stuff going on around Rhode Island

A few musical things coming up that I think are worth checking out:
* Friday 18 November (the day after tomorrow) -- Paul Geremia at Billy Goodes in Newport (23 Marlborough Street), with Chris and I opening for him at 8 pm. This show is free.
* Sunday 20 November -- Brave Combo at Chan's Fine Oriental Diniing in Woonsocket (267 Main Street), with the Superchief Trio opening at 7 pm. [directions]

Brave Combo is a sort of slightly punky party/dance/polka band that is really good and a lot more kickass than I am making it sound, and the Superchief Trio is one of my favorite local bands. Tickets are $15.
* Friday 2 December -- Chris will be celebrating his birthday by putting on another show at the Mediator, this time with local bluegrass band the Waylanders along with the Wholebellies (fronted by Chris and Rachel Turner). [directions As before, it will go from 7 to 10 pm.

The last time he did this it was really great -- big turnout and everyone seemed to have a good time. I am assuming that, like last time, there will be a 'suggested donation' but no cover charge. I will probably play a couple of odds and ends here and there (again similar to last time).

  • Over on Dreamwidth

    I created an account on dreamwidth, and will probably do most of my infrequent posting and commenting over there. https://jwgh.dreamwidth.org

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