Jacob Haller (jwgh) wrote,
Jacob Haller

Providence folks:

The Killdevils at Nick-A-Nees at 75 South Street, Thursday December 22 @ 9 PM, FREE BLUES SHOW!

To get there from the East Side, go west down Wickenden Street (towards the river), pass over the Point Street Bridge, go through the light, take a right at the stop sign (onto Richmond Street), then take the next left (onto South Street). Nick-a-Nees is the rectangular building with the mural on your right.

Our plan is to do three sets, which will be roughly 45 minutes each. We may each do a few songs solo, or not -- we are still discussing details. We do not know any Christmas music.

Also Nick-a-Nees has free peanuts.

Hope to see you there!

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