Jacob Haller (jwgh) wrote,
Jacob Haller

  • Mood:

Musical miscellany

Three, three pieces of musical news!

1. Music party coming up!

Where: 74 Sturbridge Road, Holland, MA 01521

When: Saturday, August 26, starting around 2:00 pm, going until late. There will be a barbecue (including vegetarian and vegan food for those who desire it).

What to bring: Musical instruments if you have them, favorite tunes, your voices, your ears -- and a swimsuit and an appetite. I'll try to bring at least a couple of copies of 'Rise Up Singing' ...

Although it's a 'music party' you don't need to play an instrument, or enjoy singing, to come; enjoying the lake and the company's a big part of it too. The more people come, the more fun these things are. I hope you can make it!

Besides music there will be plenty to eat and drink, swimming, kayaking, etc. so you should come even if you don't particularly want to do music stuff!

If you would like directions, please let me know.

2. Podcast updated!

While I was in Holland, MA this past week I made some new recordings. Huzzah! Here are the ones I've released so far; there will be another tomorrow (I know this because it is already recorded and ready to go), and hopefully I will record some more stuff later this week.
  1. Two Of Us [introduction] (August 14, 2006) -- vocals, guitar
  2. Deep River Blues [introduction] (August 15, 2006) -- vocals, guitar, accordion
  3. I've Got The Key To The Kingdom [introduction] (August 20, 2006) -- vocals, guitar
The Beatles song didn't come out that great, but I'm relatively happy with the other two recordings.

As always, you can see a list of all the recordings on the main page of my music website and instructions on how to subscribe to the podcast on the podcast page.

3. Hey! Upcoming shows!

There are two:
Thursday, August 24 (this coming Thursday) Chris and I will be playing at Nick-a-Nees (75 South Street in Providence) from 9 pm to midnight. No cover! Free show!

Wednesday, August 30 I'll be one of two featured acts at the Tazza Caffe open mike. (Josie Crosby is the other featured act.) I'm not sure which of us will go first, but I'll go on either around 9:30 or around 10 pm and will play for about half an hour. Also no cover! (There will be a hat passed around though.)
Tags: podcast

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