This ended what appears to have been around six months of discussion of what our band should be called. (I found a note from the begining January 2003 with some proposed band names. I see that one of the ones I proposed was 'Little Tractor Company', so all in all I think the Killdevils is a pretty good name.) I came up with the idea of looking at plant names when I remembered that Chris used to be in a band called Blue Toad Flax and named his first album 'Swampland Flowers'.From: Christopher Monti
To: Jacob Haller
Subject: Re: flower names/band names
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 10:46:41 -0400
I kind of like 'The Killdevils'
>From: Jacob Haller
>To: Christopher Monti
>Subject: flower names/band names
>Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 21:54:38 -0400
> Newcomb's Wildflower Guide doesn't appear to have its own website, but its
> Amazon entry at <>
> has some sample pages including the full index, so perhaps I'll give that a look over.
> The things I wrote down as possible band names could be on their own or as the fill-in-the-blank part of 'The ____ Blues Band' (the
> latter was what I was thinking of when I selected them). They are:
> Ocanee Bell
> Trout Lily
> Wake Robin
> Checkerberry
> King Devil
> Pipewort
> Swamp Candle (or Swamp Candles)
> Tree Frog <- not a flower
> See you tomorrow,
> jwgh
Finding this helps clarify some historical questions about the band. For instance, I wasn't sure if we had settled on a name yet or not when we had the Worst Show Ever (in March 2003 on Saint Patrick's Day -- apparently we were still a couple of months away).