I still have a bunch of merino (now carefully bagged away) in random colors, so I used the Luggy Bonnet pattern from Weekend Knitting again -- I've used it a couple of times before, so you may recognize it.
His birthday is on October 13, so hopefully I will see him around then to give it to him. (Or I might give it to his parents before then since I will be out of town on the 13th itself, visiting a previous recipient of a Luggy Bonnet hat with a customized pattern. He will also get H.A. Rey's book about stars.)
The other day I was going through my yarn stash when I found what might perhaps be best described as a fossilized project. As I recall, after some missteps (involving ripping the entire thing out, then knitting one section too long, then ripping out too much, then having to calculate where I was in the pattern) I got sick of it, carefully packed the yarn, pattern, yarn lables, and receipt away, and then completely forgot about it until now. The receipt is dated October 2005, so I must have intended it as a Christmas present for Ezra -- but it'll be way too small for him now, so maybe his baby sister will get it if I don't lose it again. (Baby sister is due to be born sometime around October 10.)
Anyway, tomorrow I think I will try to figure out where I stand with it and maybe I will start knitting it again.
Or maybe I will make this dolphin.