This coming Saturday, November 21, I'm having a CD release party at Pioneer Brewing Company in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, about 15 minutes west of Worcester. It's a free show. If you live there and feel like checking it out then I hope you can make it! And if not, but you know some friends who you think would enjoy it and live around there then please pass the word along.
I put together a page with information about the show, videos of the performers, etc., but the quick information is:
- Where: The Pioneer Brewing Company at Hyland Orchard, 199 Arnold Road, Sturbridge, MA 01518, about a 15-minute drive from Worcester.
- When: Saturday, November 21 from 6-10 pm.
- Cost: It's a free show, no cover charge!
- Who's playing: I've persuaded some talented musical friends to join me, namely Kate Katzberg, Anne's Cordial, and the Superchief Trio! See below for more information about the performers.
- Food: The Brewery doesn't serve food, but there will be a potluck dinner for those who wish to participate.